Joseph Hurbaezewski Vice President - Lanikea at Waikiki Association

Your company has just completed applying the Board Approved window tinting in my apartment today, and, I just wanted express my complete satisfaction with the product and the knowledgeable service of your technicians.


The product exceeded all my expectations in the sense that it allowed much more light to enter through the windows than I had hoped for. In addition, the level of heat passing through the windows was greatly reduced and the difference was immediately noticed.Before the tinting was applied, I would have to keep my heavily lined drapes closed to prevent the heat transfer into the apartment. After the application I can now leave the drapes open and enjoy the view all day long.


I was also amazed at how unnoticeable the tinting appears from outside. It is difficult to tell if the glass is event tinted, and, I am hoping that the UV light rejection, as stated in your brochure, will help preserve the invesment made in my drapes, carpeting, and furiniture as well.


Additionally, the 30% discount and 15 year warranty is greatly appreciated as this makes the investment very worthwhile and affordable.


A big MAHALO to you and your staff. I will be highly recommending your company to all my friends and business associates.

Contact Information

Ace Glass Tinting
Hawaii License C-20028
California License # 998760
P.O. Box 23049
Honolulu, HI 96817
FAX: (808) 520-8050


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